Helping others and our community / world
This section contains free listings for charities and non-profit organizations. A Valley and Beyond does not discriminate. The magazine does not charge anything to be included.
If your organization is interested in being included in this section, please follow the instructions.
1) e-mail: Michael Phoenix
2) Include the charity / non-profit organization, brief description, link to either website or Facebook page.
3) Unfortunately, due to time constraints, the magazine is unable to list any crowdfunding.
4) Your organization's listing will appear. It may take some time due to amount of submissions / anything going on including events.
5) Only legitimate and valid organizations will be listed. The magazine would love to include artists / bands / authors / etc. in this category. Again, there are only 24 hours in a day.
6) There are exceptions to what will be accepted: organizations that promote discrimination / violence / crime / drugs (including marijuana) will automatically be rejected.
7) A Valley and Beyond online magazine reserves the right to reject any request. Notification of acceptance / rejection will not be given. This is a free section / service provided by the magazine.
If your organization is interested in being included in this section, please follow the instructions.
1) e-mail: Michael Phoenix
2) Include the charity / non-profit organization, brief description, link to either website or Facebook page.
3) Unfortunately, due to time constraints, the magazine is unable to list any crowdfunding.
4) Your organization's listing will appear. It may take some time due to amount of submissions / anything going on including events.
5) Only legitimate and valid organizations will be listed. The magazine would love to include artists / bands / authors / etc. in this category. Again, there are only 24 hours in a day.
6) There are exceptions to what will be accepted: organizations that promote discrimination / violence / crime / drugs (including marijuana) will automatically be rejected.
7) A Valley and Beyond online magazine reserves the right to reject any request. Notification of acceptance / rejection will not be given. This is a free section / service provided by the magazine.