Brick and Mortar Gallery / Easton, PA
Easton has a new art gallery, Brick and Mortar. This one is a little different in layout and design. First, a quick idea of what it is like to attend an exhibit opening at any gallery in Easton.
As you can see, the place was packed with people. Especially between Connexions / Suddenly Samantha / RE:find there is a large concentration of visual arts in downtown. Every exhibit I have attended in the past 3 years has a few aspects in common: large crowd / great art / everyone having a good time. The opening of Brick and Mortar was no different. The timing was perfect due to a car show / cruise night in the circle.
Overall, the main exhibit, Foundation, did stick with the title and name of the gallery. The top photo shows my favorite from the exhibit. Several works were done on bricks or brick shaped objects. A combination of realism / abstract gave the exhibit a very nice edge.
I am looking forward to observing how Brick and Mortar Gallery evolves in the future. With the overall layout (main gallery in front / second gallery down a narrow hall with art along the way). Definitely keep an eye out for new exhibits. If you are in Easton, stop by!