Artist Alison Bessesdotter: Creator and maker of Imagery and psychedelic art.
Resident Artist - ArtsQuest. Studio open Tues / Thurs and by appointment
Important Note: Image used with full permission. Artist Alison Bessesdotter retains all rights and copyrights.
Resident Artist - ArtsQuest. Studio open Tues / Thurs and by appointment
Important Note: Image used with full permission. Artist Alison Bessesdotter retains all rights and copyrights.
Lehigh Valley and Beyond
A Valley and Beyond is always open to interview / review requests. Please read the following procedure. There are 4 sections: Interviews: Lehigh Valley / Interviews: non-local. Reviews: Lehigh Valley / Reviews: non-local. For both main categories, Lehigh Valley and non-local, the process is pretty much the same. The details can be very different.
Interview Requests
The magazine does not care if you are a rich celebrity or working at a minimum wage job trying to support your family. Everyone has a right to tell their story. Every person's life is different and can make a serious change in someone else. Maybe give them hope when they are ready to give up. After listening to / reading your story, they may be inspired to make a difference in our world. You never know, honestly.
That was one of the reasons I started this magazine and for my first book, A Dream in the Night.
Lehigh Valley / local:
1) The magazine can do the interview 1 of 3 ways, depending on scheduling. Preferred way and most effective: video interview. The raw emotion and spontaneous reactions really catch a person's attention. A video interview is uncut / unedited and real.
2) Audio recording and typed. The interview can be recorded and typed, not a problem. There will be some editing for repetitive words or breaks that have nothing to do with the interview. Examples: "and" "but" going way off topic.
3) Facebook chat. Like an audio recording only straight cut and paste with a minimum of editing. This is the best way if scheduling does not permit meeting in person. Basically, it is the the mid-point of video and audio recording.
Beyond, non-local / Lehigh Valley:
1) Facebook chat. Your best bet for an interview. It is pretty much a straight cut and paste with a minimum of editing. Examples: repetitive words "and" "but" etc. If on the slight chance the conversation goes way off topic.
2) E-mail question and answer: probably the least effective. Reason: it is too generic and sterile. A short question and answer list does not provide the spontaneity or depth for a good interview.
The magazine will do it's best to accommodate the format you feel most comfortable with. The most important factor is you relax and have fun! Especially for video interviews this makes a much more enjoyable experience for the viewer.
If you have a Facebook Page / website: acting / authors / artists / bands, etc. A link will be included in the interview.
Please check out the interviews section for examples before you make a request. I want you to at least have a base idea of what to expect:
After you have check out the style / way the magazine does interviews, please e-mail your request with the term "Interview Request" in the subject line to: Michael Phoenix / founder and almost the entire staff.
The magazine will try to accept all requests.
That was one of the reasons I started this magazine and for my first book, A Dream in the Night.
Lehigh Valley / local:
1) The magazine can do the interview 1 of 3 ways, depending on scheduling. Preferred way and most effective: video interview. The raw emotion and spontaneous reactions really catch a person's attention. A video interview is uncut / unedited and real.
2) Audio recording and typed. The interview can be recorded and typed, not a problem. There will be some editing for repetitive words or breaks that have nothing to do with the interview. Examples: "and" "but" going way off topic.
3) Facebook chat. Like an audio recording only straight cut and paste with a minimum of editing. This is the best way if scheduling does not permit meeting in person. Basically, it is the the mid-point of video and audio recording.
Beyond, non-local / Lehigh Valley:
1) Facebook chat. Your best bet for an interview. It is pretty much a straight cut and paste with a minimum of editing. Examples: repetitive words "and" "but" etc. If on the slight chance the conversation goes way off topic.
2) E-mail question and answer: probably the least effective. Reason: it is too generic and sterile. A short question and answer list does not provide the spontaneity or depth for a good interview.
The magazine will do it's best to accommodate the format you feel most comfortable with. The most important factor is you relax and have fun! Especially for video interviews this makes a much more enjoyable experience for the viewer.
If you have a Facebook Page / website: acting / authors / artists / bands, etc. A link will be included in the interview.
Please check out the interviews section for examples before you make a request. I want you to at least have a base idea of what to expect:
After you have check out the style / way the magazine does interviews, please e-mail your request with the term "Interview Request" in the subject line to: Michael Phoenix / founder and almost the entire staff.
The magazine will try to accept all requests.
As part of the expansion and evolution / expansion of the magazine, there will be a serious focus on reviews. Due to the amount of coverage the magazine has done in the Lehigh Valley, the rules are a little stricter for 2016. The magazine will be placing equal focus on Lehigh Valley and non-local reviews.
Lehigh Valley / local:
1) Best way to make a request: send an invite to Michael Phoenix (Facebook) for events. The magazine will try to make all events possible. Even if it is only for 1 hour. The magazine mainly consists of a 1 person staff. If interested / maybe is clicked, that means your event is at least listed in the Upcoming Events section and will be seen.
2) Local bands: if you have a new cd / digital music (at least 3 songs), please e-mail a request to Michael Phoenix with "Review request in the subject line. This guarantees your request will be looked at vs. deleted. The magazine runs on a very limited budget. Please keep the "buy our new music so you can review it" requests to a minimum. The magazine does not ask for free copies. Remember, this will be promotion you will not have to pay for. The review will be honest and neutral based on lyrics / power and emotion / if it makes a person want more and other factors.
1) Events: The magazine is planning on expanding event coverage to other cities and towns starting April of 2016. The main factor is budget. Travel, even by bus / train plus possibly hotel stays cost money. Starting in April, event coverage in other localities will become a top priority at least one day / weekend per month. Due to the magazine's audience extending to other cities / states / countries, your event will be listed in the Upcoming Events section and will be seen. Please send requests / invites to Michael Phoenix (Facebook)
2) Bands and authors: The only format A Valley and Beyond accepts is digital (mp3 / e-book / etc.). Time is one main factor. It is much easier to download / listen to / read digital format and review it than a physical copy. Operating systems used by A Valley and Beyond online magazine: Windows and Android. The Kindle app is on both the phone and laptop. Please submit requests with "Review Request" in the subject line to: Michael Phoenix
As stated, one person is almost the entire staff of the magazine. There are only 24 hours in a day. The magazine will do it's best to accept all requests and have a review live within a few days. It may take a week due to several factors, especially amount of requests and time.
The magazine can not let you know when the review is live. Please keep an eye on the website and Facebook Page. Requests for when the review will be live is a fast way for any review to be deleted or ignored.
Lehigh Valley / local:
1) Best way to make a request: send an invite to Michael Phoenix (Facebook) for events. The magazine will try to make all events possible. Even if it is only for 1 hour. The magazine mainly consists of a 1 person staff. If interested / maybe is clicked, that means your event is at least listed in the Upcoming Events section and will be seen.
2) Local bands: if you have a new cd / digital music (at least 3 songs), please e-mail a request to Michael Phoenix with "Review request in the subject line. This guarantees your request will be looked at vs. deleted. The magazine runs on a very limited budget. Please keep the "buy our new music so you can review it" requests to a minimum. The magazine does not ask for free copies. Remember, this will be promotion you will not have to pay for. The review will be honest and neutral based on lyrics / power and emotion / if it makes a person want more and other factors.
1) Events: The magazine is planning on expanding event coverage to other cities and towns starting April of 2016. The main factor is budget. Travel, even by bus / train plus possibly hotel stays cost money. Starting in April, event coverage in other localities will become a top priority at least one day / weekend per month. Due to the magazine's audience extending to other cities / states / countries, your event will be listed in the Upcoming Events section and will be seen. Please send requests / invites to Michael Phoenix (Facebook)
2) Bands and authors: The only format A Valley and Beyond accepts is digital (mp3 / e-book / etc.). Time is one main factor. It is much easier to download / listen to / read digital format and review it than a physical copy. Operating systems used by A Valley and Beyond online magazine: Windows and Android. The Kindle app is on both the phone and laptop. Please submit requests with "Review Request" in the subject line to: Michael Phoenix
As stated, one person is almost the entire staff of the magazine. There are only 24 hours in a day. The magazine will do it's best to accept all requests and have a review live within a few days. It may take a week due to several factors, especially amount of requests and time.
The magazine can not let you know when the review is live. Please keep an eye on the website and Facebook Page. Requests for when the review will be live is a fast way for any review to be deleted or ignored.