Great for searching for projects
In the process of always trying to find funding for the magazine, I finally started paying attention to Kickstarter. The advertising is tough and a Go Fund Me which never took off also helped steer me in this direction. The review and success / failure of the Kickstarter project is for another review. Right now, I want to focus on the app.
One night, in a local diner, laptop died. No way to charge it, figured put in some time and develop the project. Went into Google Play store, checked out the app and downloaded it. After logging in, found out one major drawback to the app: you can't work on projects. I am also in the app while doing this review.
Right off, you have the staff picks for projects. Great! Except, even when I can kick someone a few bucks, I will just search for the types I like. Went into the side (main) menu. OK, there HAS to be a way to work on your project here, at least under your profile. Again, WRONG! It gives you a category list / projects you have starred (main interests / funded) / what your friends have backed. All your profile lists is projects (if any) you have contributed to.
Considering even apps like Weebly give you full functionality, the Kickstarter app has a long way to go in development. This was another app released for Apple before Android. Maybe they should realize there are a lot of Android users out there who have Kickstarter projects going. Or who may want to use Kickstarter to fund an idea.
Overall rating: Complete waste of time / space (lowest / zero *) Unless you are just looking to fund and keep track of projects funded, do not even download it.
One night, in a local diner, laptop died. No way to charge it, figured put in some time and develop the project. Went into Google Play store, checked out the app and downloaded it. After logging in, found out one major drawback to the app: you can't work on projects. I am also in the app while doing this review.
Right off, you have the staff picks for projects. Great! Except, even when I can kick someone a few bucks, I will just search for the types I like. Went into the side (main) menu. OK, there HAS to be a way to work on your project here, at least under your profile. Again, WRONG! It gives you a category list / projects you have starred (main interests / funded) / what your friends have backed. All your profile lists is projects (if any) you have contributed to.
Considering even apps like Weebly give you full functionality, the Kickstarter app has a long way to go in development. This was another app released for Apple before Android. Maybe they should realize there are a lot of Android users out there who have Kickstarter projects going. Or who may want to use Kickstarter to fund an idea.
Overall rating: Complete waste of time / space (lowest / zero *) Unless you are just looking to fund and keep track of projects funded, do not even download it.