Completely caught off guard!
e-book on Amazon: Regina Puckett's Amazon Author Page: It is rare I have the time to read an entire book. Plus, most people download a sample before deciding to buy the book. 2 reasons for this style of review. And, if the sample catches my attention, it HAS to be good!!!! Reason for e-book reviews only? If it does not fit on my laptop / phone, takes up too much space.
The making of Boy is book 2 in the series. I know, why not start at the beginning? It has been over 1 year since I did any book reviews. The Kindle app is loaded and chose one at random. The fact I have come to know Regina through social media could have been an influence also. Intro down, time for the review... The book setup is standard: Cover / Contents / Copyright / Story. Zero issues with design. Having absolutely no idea what this book would be about, dove right into it. Doing the review as I am reading it. Right off, in the Prologue, the story takes your curiosity to its highest level with the back story! Making of Boy does barely hints at what has led up to the prologue. In a lot of cases, this is a serious screw up and major backfire. Not the case here. Excitement and the "What the fuck is going to happen next / has happened" topped off, next!!!! The prologue, at one point, does hit the heart. Especially if you have lost someone you love. Speaking of the "What the Fuck" factor, Talk about a major jump and story gap in between the Prologue and Chapter 1. My honest reaction was "Ok, What just happened?????" Plus several noises there are not words for. Regina literally slingshots you forward leaving an extreme desire for the story gap. Chapter 1 goes right for the heart at the end. It will grab you emotionally. I am a fan Asimov. Read the Foundation series. Saw the movie I Robot. Boy reminds of Asimov's robots. Especially Sonny in the movie. The sample ends at the beginning of Chapter 2. Honestly, it is perfect! Time for the overall rating / recommendation. Based on the sample, if this is not in your top 3 MUST READ, there is something seriously wrong. Right from the start, Regina leaves you seriously wanting the back story. Her ability to jump and slingshot seriously works. This is something that usually backfires and kills a book / series. Regina's stop and go style pulls it off in 2 ways. 1) Mainly from the author standpoint, it leaves a lot of room for future books. 2) You are left to either the imagination or strong desire to read more and fill in the blanks. Take your pick on this one. Character interaction and development is well written with excellent dialogue. It appeared the characters led the author vs. the author forcing the characters. In other words, everything flowed naturally and with consistent pace. One last thing I have to point out. While being futuristic, Regina reached back decades in the Science Fiction genre. Read the story to figure this part out. I really like that the characters showed emotion and went for the heart right off. All I can say is WOW and Damn I loved this book sample! Will be purchasing both books. |
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- Michael Phoenix is the founder and basically entire staff of the magazine. He is also a self-published author of 2 books. Currently working on the next 2 when he has time.